# # Data set for MSU Multi-Stage Fatigue Model v.2.1 (Academic Version) # model_tag= MSF2 # Fields in the data set # material - Tag for material # tag - Tag for data set # source - Source of data set # comment - Any other comment on data set # Emod - Young's modulus [MPa] # Syld - Yield stress [MPa] # Sult - Ultimate Stress [MPa] # DCS0 - Reference grain size (microns) # DCS - Grain size (microns) # GO0 - Reference grain orientation (units?) # GO - Grain orientation (units?) # poresize - Pore size # porennd - Pore nearest neighbor distance # porosity - Porosity # porTH - Porosity threshold # partsize - Particle size average # partdev - Particle size standard deviation # NTYPE - Type of fatigue loading: 1=Crack length propagation, 2=Fatigue life # MODEL - 1=Elastic, 2=Plastic # NSPEC - No. of spectrum fatigue loads (0 for undetermined and crack length limit) # NSAMP - 1=Strain, 2=Stress amplitude load # excluded - Is dataset excluded? 0=no, 1=yes # is_curve - Is dataset a curve only? 0=no, 1=yes # experiment - (Stress/Strain/a, No. of Cycles) # NFLOAD - Number of applied fatigue loads # FLOAD - Fatigue loading [Nloadef, S, Smean or R, a, NCycles] # material= SAE 1038 tag= SAE 1038 Emod= 207000 Syld= 347 Sult= 610 DCS0= 40 DCS= 40 GO0= 1 GO= 1 poresize= 0.1 porennd= 0.5 porosity= 0.015 porTH= 0.001 partsize= 9 partdev= 4.2 NTYPE= 2 MODEL= 2 NSPEC= 1 NSAMP= 1 excluded= 0 is_curve= 0 NFLOAD= 1 FLOAD= 1 2 2 0.02 0 100 experiment= 8 0.2 68539 0.4 13869 0.6 3676 0.86 2096 1 675 1.4 460 1.8 340 2 220