MEAM (Modified Embedded Atom Method) Potential Generated for Tungsten.
Studies with Tungsten MEAM potential are published at J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 41 (2008) 185406 (7pp) [1]
The MEAM potential has been used to model Tungsten nanoparticles and sintering mechanism of those nanoparticles.
A detailed description of how to generate a MEAM potential is available in Phys. Rev. B 46, 2727-2742 (1992).
To use these potentials, follow LAMMPS instructions at
We use LAMMPS (Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator) code to test the potentials. It is a open source code available at for more information go to the web site.
The above potential file are in LAMMPS specific format.
To run Lammps with MEAM potentials you need three files (2 potential files as shown above, and one input file). If you want to specify the atomic positions in a separate file, then you need four files.
To execute the example run you should have W.library.meam, W.meam, W.pos, in the same directory. If your LAMMPS executable is named lmp_exec then you can execute the following command to begin the run.
lmp_exec <