Copy the text under "Source" into a text file and save with a *.py extension. This section assumes it has been saved as
Edit the script,
, to reflect the DFT code you will be using.
# ### EDIT THIS PARAMETER FOR CODE IN USE # 'qe' - Quantum Espresso # 'vasp' - VASP dft = 'qe'
If using VASP, the INCAR, KPOINTS, and POTCAR files must be in the same directory. The script should be edited with the path to your vasp executable.
If using Quantum Espresso, modify the script with the correct pseudopotential directory, element name, psuedopotential file name, and atomic weight.
##### MATERIAL SETTINGS - USER EDIT REQUIRED ##### # vvv These parameters are for QE only, VASP will use the available POTCAR file vvv # Directory containing your pseudopotentials pp_dir = '/cavs/users/bradley/software/qe-6.0/pseudo/' # Element name el = 'Ta' # Potential file name potential = 'Ta.pbesol-spn-kjpaw_psl.0.2.UPF' # Element weight el_weight = 180.94788 # ^^^
The script will also have to be edited if the Quantum Espresso executable, pw.x, is not on the path. For example, if pw.x was in the /scratch/ICME_2019/, the script would be changed as follows.
# Run quantum espresso os.system('mpirun -np {} /scratch/ICME_2019/pw.x < > gsfe.out'.format(num_proc))
Change the energy cutoff (eV) and number of K-points as desired.
##### DFT PARAMETERS - USER EDIT IF DESIRED ##### # Energy cutoff value (eV) (qe only) energy_cutoff = 290.0 # The below energy cutoff setting works for most materials. # Check your pseudopotential file to see the suggested value for your material energy_cutoff_rho = energy_cutoff * 4.0 # K-points specification kpoints = 15
Modify the python script, , to control how many points are generated.
##### STACKING FAULT PARAMETERS - USER EDIT IF NEEDED ##### # Number or location of simulated points. It MUST start with 0. #fault_points = [0.0, 1./4., 1./2.] fault_points = np.linspace(0,1,16)
Use the commented line to specify specific points. The displacement is normalized here - points should range from 0 to 1, and start with 0. Otherwise, use the line below it ( fault_points = np.linspace(0,1,16) ) to create evenly spaced points.
This script should be run with python 2.7.8. To run the python script on the HPC cluster at Mississippi State University, prepare a PBS script including the modules needed to run the simulation. A sample PBS script with the details needed to run a gsfe_curve calculation is posted here for convenience; this script loads the modules python/2.7.8 and openmpi-intel:
#!/bin/bash #PBS -N Cr.gsfe.f.16pt #PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=12 #PBS -l walltime=192:00:00 #PBS -q q48p192h #PBS -A 193000-990015 #PBS -m ae #PBS -r n #PBS -V cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR ml python/2.7.8 ml openmpi-intel #Run gsfe python script /work/path_to_files/gsfefull12/ BCC 2.8497783 full
The arguments after can be changed as per the requirements: fcc 3.63 partial
The first argument, fcc
is the reference structure. Only fcc and bcc are currently implemented. The second, 3.63
is the ground state lattice parameter. The third, partial
specifies the kind of dislocation. For more explanation on the types, run the script with no inputs, or look in the create_stackingfault
The script generates an output file called "GSFE_SUMMARY" containing three data columns. From left to right, these columns are the upper atom displacement normalized by the lattice parameter, the change in energy in mJ/m², and the wall time in seconds.
#!/usr/bin/env python import numpy as np import os import re from time import time from subprocess import Popen, PIPE # ### EDIT THIS PARAMETER FOR CODE IN USE # 'qe' - Quantum Espresso # 'vasp' - VASP dft = 'vasp' # Number of processors num_proc = 16 ##### MATERIAL SETTINGS - USER EDIT REQUIRED ##### # vvv These parameters are for QE only, VASP will use the available POTCAR file vvv # Directory containing your pseudopotentials pp_dir = '/cavs/users/bradley/software/qe-6.0/pseudo/' # Element name el = 'Ta' # Potential file name potential = 'Ta.pbesol-spn-kjpaw_psl.0.2.UPF' # Element weight el_weight = 180.94788 # ^^^ ##### DFT PARAMETERS - USER EDIT IF DESIRED ##### # Energy cutoff value (eV) (qe only) energy_cutoff = 290.0 # The below energy cutoff setting works for most materials. # Check your pseudopotential file to see the suggested value for your material energy_cutoff_rho = energy_cutoff * 4.0 # K-points specification kpoints = 15 # Smearing parameter (QE only) smear = 0.06 # Relax the ions in the z direction? (vasp only right now) relax = False ##### STACKING FAULT PARAMETERS - USER EDIT IF NEEDED ##### # Number or location of simulated points. It MUST start with 0. #fault_points = [0.0, 1./4., 1./2.] fault_points = np.linspace(0,1,16) # Size of vacuum in Ang. vacuum = 20.0 # Number of stacking layers - CAREFUL, DFT scales very poorly with more atoms stacking_layers = 10 ##### Unit conversions ##### ry_to_ev = 13.6056849587 au_to_ang = 0.52917721092 ##### Below this line should not require user edits ##### # Function that creates the geometry and writes the input file def create_stackingfault( struct, lp, layers, slip, system=None ): # struct : reference structure # lp : lattice parameter\ # layers : number of layers of atoms to generate # slip : normalized displacement in slip direction # system : the type of stacking fault to create if struct.lower() == 'fcc': basis = np.array( [[ np.sqrt(2.)/4., np.sqrt(6.)/4., 0.0 ], [ -np.sqrt(2.)/4., np.sqrt(6.)/4., 0.0 ], [ 0.0, np.sqrt(6.)/6., np.sqrt(3.)/3.]] ) base_atoms = np.array( [[ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]] ) if not system or system == 'partial' or system == 'shockley': # Assume the partial dislocation is desired (most common) slip_vector = np.array([0.0, np.sqrt(6.)/2., 0.0]) # Partial dislocation line elif system == 'full' or system == 'burgers': slip_vector = basis[0,:] # burgers vector direction elif struct.lower() == 'bcc': basis = np.array( [[ (np.sqrt(2.)/4. + 0.5), -(0.5 - np.sqrt(2.)/4.), 0.0 ], [ -(0.5 - np.sqrt(2.)/4.), (np.sqrt(2.)/4. + 0.5), 0.0 ], [ np.sqrt(2.)/4., np.sqrt(2.)/4., np.sqrt(2.)/2.]] ) base_atoms = np.array( [[ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]] ) if not system or system == 'partial': # Assume the partial dislocation is desired (most common) slip_vector = np.array([np.sqrt(2.)/2.,np.sqrt(2.)/2., 0.0]) # Partial dislocation line? elif system == 'longpartial': # or? slip_vector = np.array([0.5,-0.5,0.0]) elif system == 'full' or system == 'burgers': slip_vector = basis[0,:] # burgers vector directionn # Create atoms atoms = [] threshold = np.cross(basis[0,0:2],basis[1,0:2]) if threshold < 0: threshold = np.cross(basis[1,0:2],basis[0,0:2]) d1 = lambda x : -basis[1,1]*x[0] + basis[1,0]*x[1] d2 = lambda x : -basis[0,1]*x[0] + basis[0,0]*x[1] b1 = basis[1,:] b2 = basis[0,:] else: d1 = lambda x : -basis[0,1]*x[0] + basis[0,0]*x[1] d2 = lambda x : -basis[1,1]*x[0] + basis[1,0]*x[1] b1 = basis[0,:] b2 = basis[1,:] for i in range(layers): if i == 0: old_atom = np.zeros(3) atoms.append(old_atom) continue new_atom = old_atom + basis[2,:] # Check if atom is within cell boundaries in_cellx, in_celly = False, False while not in_cellx or not in_celly: if d1(new_atom) < 0: new_atom += b2 elif d1(new_atom) > threshold: new_atom -= b2 else: in_cellx = True if d2(new_atom) > 0: new_atom += b1 elif d2(new_atom) < -threshold: new_atom -= b1 else: in_celly = True old_atom = new_atom.copy() if i >= int(layers/2): new_atom += slip*slip_vector # Check if atom is within cell boundaries in_cellx, in_celly = False, False while not in_cellx or not in_celly: if d1(new_atom) < 0: new_atom += b2 elif d1(new_atom) > threshold: new_atom -= b2 else: in_cellx = True if d2(new_atom) > 0: new_atom += b1 elif d2(new_atom) < -threshold: new_atom -= b1 else: in_celly = True atoms.append(new_atom) if dft == 'vasp': write_vasp_inputs(lp, basis, layers, atoms) elif dft == 'qe': write_qe_inputs(lp, basis, layers, atoms) # Returns the stacking fault area return [np.linalg.norm(np.cross(basis[0,:],basis[1,:])), np.linalg.norm(slip_vector), len(atoms)] # end create_stackingfault def write_qe_inputs(lp, basis, layers, atoms): # Write the input file with open('','w') as f: # Control section f.write(' &control' + os.linesep) f.write("\tprefix=''" + os.linesep) f.write("\toutdir='temp'" + os.linesep) f.write("\tpseudo_dir = '{}',".format(pp_dir) + os.linesep) f.write(' /' + os.linesep) # System section f.write(' &system' + os.linesep) f.write('\tibrav= 0, nat= {}, ntyp= 1,'.format(layers) + os.linesep) f.write('\tcelldm(1) ={0}, '.format(lp/au_to_ang) + os.linesep) # Convert lattice parameter to a.u. f.write('\tecutwfc ={},ecutrho ={}, '.format(energy_cutoff/ry_to_ev,\ energy_cutoff_rho/ry_to_ev) + os.linesep) # Convert energy to Rydberg f.write("\toccupations='smearing', smearing='mp', degauss={} ".format(smear)\ + os.linesep) f.write(' / ' + os.linesep) # Electrons section f.write(' &electrons ' + os.linesep) f.write("mixing_mode ='local-TF', " + os.linesep) f.write(' / ' + os.linesep) # Atomic species - pseudopotential specification f.write('ATOMIC_SPECIES ' + os.linesep) f.write(' {} {} {} '.format(el,el_weight,potential) + os.linesep) # Atomic positions f.write('ATOMIC_POSITIONS alat ' + os.linesep) for a in atoms: f.write(' {1}\t{0[0]}\t{0[1]}\t{0[2]} '.format(a, el) + os.linesep) # K-points f.write('K_POINTS automatic ' + os.linesep) f.write(' {0} {0} 1 0 0 0 '.format(kpoints) + os.linesep) # Basis vectors f.write('CELL_PARAMETERS alat ' + os.linesep) f.write('{0[0]}\t{0[1]}\t{0[2]} '.format(basis[0,:]) + os.linesep) f.write('{0[0]}\t{0[1]}\t{0[2]} '.format(basis[1,:]) + os.linesep) f.write('0.0\t0.0\t{} '.format(basis[2,2]*10. + vacuum/lp) + os.linesep) # Adds vacuum. # end write_qe_inputs def write_vasp_inputs(lp, basis, layers, atoms): # Write the POSCAR file with open('POSCAR','w') as f: f.write(el + os.linesep) f.write('%f '%lp + os.linesep) f.write('{0[0]}\t{0[1]}\t0.0 '.format(basis[0,:]) + os.linesep) f.write('{0[0]}\t{0[1]}\t0.0 '.format(basis[1,:]) + os.linesep) f.write('0.0\t0.0\t{0} '.format(basis[2,2]*layers + 20.0/lp) + os.linesep) f.write('%i '%layers + os.linesep) f.write('Cartesian ' + os.linesep) for a in atoms: f.write('{0[0]}\t{0[1]}\t{0[2]}\tF\tF\tT '.format(a) + os.linesep) # Write the KPOINTS file with open('KPOINTS', 'w') as f: f.write(el + os.linesep) f.write('0 ' + os.linesep) f.write('Monkhorst-Pack ' + os.linesep) f.write('{0} {0} 1 '.format(kpoints) + os.linesep) f.write('0 0 0 ' + os.linesep) # end write_vasp_inputs def gsfe( struct, lp, slip_system=None ): # Creates the summary file with open('GSFE_SUMMARY','w') as f: pass #f.write("Generalized Stacking Fault Energy for {} {}\n".format(struct,el)) #f.write("=============================================\n") # Initialize the lists for the energy values energy = [] for d in fault_points: # Create the stacking fault structure [area, fault_length, natoms] = create_stackingfault( struct, lp, stacking_layers, d, slip_system ) if dft == 'qe': E, walltime = run_qe() E = E*ry_to_ev elif dft == 'vasp': if len(energy) == 0: try: os.remove('IBZKPT CHG CONTCAR DOSCAR EIGENVAL OSZICAR OUTCAR'\ + ' PCDAT XDATCAR EIGENVAL vasprun.xml cellvol PROCAR CHGCAR WAVECAR') except Exception: pass start_time = time() E = run_vasp() walltime = time() - start_time energy.append(E) with open('GSFE_SUMMARY','a') as f: # Write the normalized displacement and the relaxed and static energies in mJ/m**2 f.write('{}\t{}\t{} '.format(d*fault_length, (energy[-1] - energy[0]) * 1.60217733e-19 * 1e23 / area, walltime) + os.linesep) # end gsfe def run_qe(): # Run quantum espresso os.system('mpirun -np {} pw.x < > gsfe.out'.format(num_proc)) # Get energy p1 = Popen(['grep','! *[ ] total energy','gsfe.out'], stdout=PIPE) p2 = Popen(['awk','{print $5}'], stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=PIPE) # Get walltime try: p3 = Popen(['grep','PWSCF','gsfe.out'],stdout=PIPE) p4 = Popen(['tail','-n1'],stdin=p3.stdout,stdout=PIPE) time_str = p4.communicate()[0] time_arr = re.findall('(\d+)m[ ]*(\d+).(\d+)s', time_str)[-1] time_arr = [int(i) for i in time_arr] if len(time_arr) == 3: time = 60*time_arr[0] + time_arr[1] + 0.01*time_arr[2] else: time = time_arr[0] + 0.01*time_arr[1] except: time = 0.0 return [float(p2.communicate()[0]), time] # end run_qe def run_vasp(): # Run vasp - Static run first. tries = 0 has_run = False while tries < 2 and not has_run: try: if relax: # Run vasp - first a relaxation, then a static run os.system('cp relax.INCAR INCAR') msg = os.system('mpirun -np {} ./vasp'.format(num_proc)) os.system('cp CONTCAR POSCAR') os.system('rm WAVECAR CHGCAR') os.system('cp gsfe.INCAR INCAR') msg = os.system('mpirun -np {} ./vasp'.format(num_proc)) p1 = Popen(['tail','-n1','OSZICAR'], stdout=PIPE) p2 = Popen(['awk','{print $5}'], stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=PIPE) E = float(p2.communicate()[0]) has_run = True except Exception: print "VASP run failed, trying again after deleting output files." try: os.remove('IBZKPT CHG CONTCAR DOSCAR EIGENVAL OSZICAR OUTCAR'\ + ' PCDAT XDATCAR EIGENVAL vasprun.xml cellvol PROCAR CHGCAR WAVECAR') except Exception: pass tries += 1 # Get energy p1 = Popen(['tail','-n1','OSZICAR'], stdout=PIPE) p2 = Popen(['awk','{print $5}'], stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=PIPE) return float(p2.communicate()[0]) #if msg != 0: # print("VASP exited with an error. It may only be able to run on the CAVS cluster machines.") # end run_vasp if __name__ == "__main__": import sys argc = len(sys.argv) # Get inputs from the command line struct = sys.argv[1] if argc > 1 else None latp = float(sys.argv[2]) if argc > 2 else None slip = sys.argv[3] if argc > 3 else None extent = float(sys.argv[4]) if argc > 4 else None # If the inputs are not specified, prompt for them. #if not element: # print("Enter the element name:") # element = raw_input("> ") if not struct: i_struct = None while not i_struct: print("== Enter the desired structure ==") print("= 1) FCC =") print("= 2) BCC =") print("=================================") i_struct = int(raw_input("> ")) if i_struct == 1: struct = 'fcc' print("Structure type: FCC") elif i_struct == 2: struct = 'bcc' print("Structure type: BCC") else: print(" Only FCC and BCC systems are implemented currently ") i_struct = None if struct.lower() == 'fcc': slip_choices = ['(111)[1-10] (full)','(111)[11-2] (partial)'] elif struct.lower() == 'bcc': slip_choices = ['(110)[-111] (full)','(110)[001] (partial)','(110)[-110] (longpartial)'] else: print("Structures other than FCC and BCC are not currently supported") sys.exit(1) if not latp: print("Enter the equilibrium lattice parameter for your element:") latp = float(raw_input("> ")) if not slip: i_slip = None while not i_slip: print("====== Enter the desired slip system ======") for i,sc in enumerate(slip_choices): print("= {0}) {1:<36} =".format(i+1,sc)) print("===========================================") i_slip = int(raw_input("> ")) if i_slip == 1: slip = 'full' print("Using burgers vector direction") elif i_slip == 2: slip = 'partial' print("Using partial dislocation direction") elif i_slip == 3 and struct == 'bcc': slip = 'longpartial' print("Using longer partial dislocation direction") else: print(os.linesep + "Choice not recognized" + os.linesep) i_slip = None if not extent: extent = 1.0 gsfe(struct, latp, slip)