Publication Abstract

On Laser Welding of Thin Steel Sheets

El-Giar, E. M., Asle Zaeem, M., El Kadiri, H., Florea, R. S., Rhee, H., Bienvenu, Y., Dahmen, M., Malot, T., & Cherkaoui, M. (2012). On Laser Welding of Thin Steel Sheets. Science and Technology of Welding and Joining. Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining. 17(7), 571-579. DOI:10.1179/1362171812Y.0000000050.


This paper presents a process–structure–property relationship study of laser welds as a continuous consolidation method for joining thin monophased steel foils, thereby providing a more effective, less costly method to construct automotive catalytic converters. A body centred cubic (bcc) iron–chromium–aluminium alloy doped with Mischmetal was utilised in this study. Both pulsed and continuous wave modes were used to establish the limit welding diagrams for lap joint configuration. Actual laser welding parameters were selected using several testing conditions.The laser welds behaved substantially different from the base material under creep and high temperature oxidation. The difference was mainly attributed to the changes in grain morphology,precipitation of aluminium nitrides and carbides, and relocalisation of the reactive elements during liquid metal flow upon keyhole formation, solidification and cooling.