Publication Abstract
Efficient, Physiologically Realistic Lung Airflow Simulations
Walters, K., Burgreen, GW, Lavallee, D. M., Thompson, D., & Hester, R. L. (2011). Efficient, Physiologically Realistic Lung Airflow Simulations. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering Letters: Special Issue on Multi-Scale Modeling and Analysis for Computational Biology and Medicine. 58(10), 3016-3019. DOI:10.1109/TBME.2011.2161868.
One of the key challenges for computational fluid dynamics
(CFD) simulations of human lung airflow is the sheer size
and complexity of the complete, multiscale geometry of the bronchopulmonary tree. Since 3-D CFD simulations of the full airway
tree are currently intractable, researchers have proposed reduced
geometry models in which multiple airway paths are truncated
downstream of the first few generations. This paper investigates
a recently proposed method for closing the CFD model by application
of physiologically correct boundary conditions at truncated
outlets. A realistic, reduced geometry model of the lung airway
based on CT data has been constructed up to generation 18, including
extrathoracic, bronchi, and bronchiole regions. Results
indicate that the new method yields reasonable results for pressure
drop through the airway, at a small fraction of the cost of fully
resolved simulations.