Yub Raj Paudel 
Yub Raj
Research Engineer

Curriculum Vitae not Provided


CAVS 2213-B

(832) 420-5850

200 Research Blvd.
Starkville, MS 39759
Dr. YubRaj Paudel is a research engineer in the Engineering Mechanics and Materials Science (EMMS) group at the Center for Advanced Vehicular Systems (CAVS) at Mississippi State University (MSU). He holds a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering with a minor in Mathematics from MSU in 2018 and completed a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from MSU in 2014. He has actively collaborated with various teams, contributing his expertise to alloy design, microstructure characterization, crystal plasticity, and multiscale modeling, primarily focused on magnesium, titanium, aluminum, and steel alloys. His extensive body of work encompasses mean-field and full-field crystal plasticity, with an emphasis on capturing the plasticity phenomena such as twin nucleation and propagation, interaction between twin and slip in hexagonal close-packed metals, phase transformation, hydrogen embrittlement in steels, and establishing process-structure-property relationship in additively manufactured parts.
Selected PublicationsTotal Publications:  6 
Paudel, Y., Williams, A., Mujahid, S., Pepi, M., Czech, P., Rhee, H., & El Kadiri, H. (2024). A Residual Stress-Based Model for Viscoplastic Self-Consistent Simulation of Cold-Sprayed Al6061. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance. Springer US. 33, 7744-7754. [Document Site]

Williams, A., Paudel, Y., Mujahid, S., Pepi, M., Czech, P., El Kadiri, H., & Rhee, H. (2024). Crystal Plasticity Modeling to Capture Microstructural Variations in Cold-Sprayed Materials. Crystals. MDPI. 14(4), 329.

Paudel, Y., Barrett, C., Mujahid, S., Rhee, H., & El Kadiri, H. (2023). Micromechanics-based Strain Energy Study of {10-12} Twin-band Pattern in a Three-point Bend Mg Alloy. Journal of Materials Research. 38(2), 461-472.

Paudel, Y., Giri, D., Priddy, M. W., Barrett, C. D., Inal, K., Tschopp, M. A., Rhee, H., & El Kadiri, H. (2021). A Review on Capturing Twin Nucleation in Crystal Plasticity for Hexagonal Metals. Metals. MDPI. 11(9), 1373.

Paudel, Y., Indeck, J., Hazeli, K., Priddy, M. W., Inal, K., Rhee, H., Barrett, C. D., Whittington, W. R., Limmer, K. R., & El Kadiri, H. (2020). Characterization and Modeling of {10-1 2} Twin Banding in Magnesium. Acta Materialia. 183, 438-451.