Farshid Vahedifard 

Curriculum Vitae not Provided


Walker 235C

Research Interest
Geotechnical engineering; Analytical and numerical methods in geomechanics; Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical modeling of geo-materials, quantitative assessment of resilience of critical infrastructure to extreme events under a changing climate, geo-energy modeling (e.g., carbon sequestration, and CO2-EOR); Induced seismicity; Reinforced earth structures; Geosynthetics; Variably saturated earth structures; Remote sensing and GIS applications in natural and man-made hazard assessment and health monitoring of geo-systems (e.g., dams, levees); Micromechanical modeling of granular materials; Design of embankment dams and levee systems, mobility modeling in soil.
Selected PublicationsTotal Publications:  109 
Peters, J. F., Jelinek, B., Goodman, C. C., Vahedifard, F., & Mason, G. L. (2019). Large Scale Discrete Element Modeling for Engineering Analysis: A Case Study for the Mobility Cone Penetrometer. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering. ASCE. 145(12), 04019111-1-16. DOI:10.1061/(ASCE)GT.1943-5606.0002174. [Abstract] [Document] [Document Site]

Peters, J. F., Vahedifard, F., Jelinek, B., Mason, G. L., & Priddy, J. D. (2019). The Discrete Element Method for Vehicle-Terrain Analysis. ISTVS-2019. PRAGUE: ISTVS. [Abstract] [Document] [Document Site]

Jelinek, B., Mason, G. L., Johnson, D. H., Carrillo, A., Goodman, C. C., Priddy, J., & Vahedifard, F. (2019). Large-scale DEM-LBM Modeling towards Off-road Mobility. HPCMP User Group Meeting. Vicksburg, MS. [Abstract] [Document] [Document Site]

Vahedifard, F., Williams, J. M., Mason, G. L., Howard, I. L., & Priddy, J. D. (2016). An Introduction to DROVE: Database Records for Off-Road Vehicle Environments. Proc. of the 8th ISTVS Americas Regional Conference. Troy, MI: ISBN 978-1-942112-48-8. 12.

Sehat, S., Vahedifard, F., Aanstoos, J.V., Dabbiru, L., & Hasan, K. (2014). Using In situ Soil Measurements for Analysis of a Polarimetric SAR-based Classification of Levee Slump Slides in the Lower Mississippi River. Engineering Geology. Elsevier. 181, 157–168. DOI:10.1016/j.enggeo.2014.07.007. [Document Site]