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2016 IEEE Conference of Automation Science and Engineering. Fort Worth, Texas.
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2016 International Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium. Austin, TX.
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Khanzadeh, M., Marandi, T. S.,
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Masoomi, M., Thompson, S., Shamsaei, N., &
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2016 International Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium. Austin, TX.
Shrestha, R., Simsiriwong, J., Shamsaei, N., Thompson, S., &
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2016 International Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium. Austin, TX.
Shrestha, R., Simsiriwong, J., Shamsaei, N., Thompson, S.M., &
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Yadollahi, A., Shamsaei, N., Thompson, S.M., Elwani, A., &
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Masoomi, M., Thompson, S.M., Shamsaei, N.,
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ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition. Houston, TX: ASME. IMECE2015-52362. [
Monroe, J. G., Ibrahim, O. T., Thompson, S.M., Shamsaei, N.,
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Marshall, G., Young, W. J., II, Shamsaei, N., Craig, J., Wakeman, T., & Thompson, S.M. (2015). Dual Thermographic Monitoring of Ti-6Al-4V Cylinders during Direct Laser Deposition.
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Masoomi, M., Thompson, S.M., Shamsaei, N., Elwany, A., &
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Sterling, A. J., Torries, B. A., Shamsaei, N., Thompson, S.M., & Daniewicz, S. (2015). Microstructural Sensitive Fatigue Modeling of Additively-Manufactured Ti-6Al-4V.
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Bagheri, A., Thompson, S.M., & Shamsaei, N. (2015). Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Ti-6Al-4V Parts Fabricated by Laser Engineered Net Shaping.
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition. Houston, TX: ASME. IMECE2015-51698. [
Yadollahi, A., Shamsaei, N., Thompson, S.M.,
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56th AIAA/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials. Kissimmee, FL.
Sterling, A. J., Torries, B., Lugo, M., Shamsaei, N., & Thompson, S.M. (2015). Fatigue Behavior of Ti-6Al-4V Alloy Additively Manufactured by Laser Engineered Net Shaping.
56th AIAA/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference. Kissimmee, FL: AIAA.
Marshall, G., Young, W. J., II, Thompson, S.M., Seely, D. W., & Shamsaei, N. (2015). Effect of Substrate Thickness on Micro-Hardness of Direct Laser Deposited Ti-6Al-4V Parts.
56th AIAA/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference. Kissimmee, FL: AIAA.
Yadollahi, A., Seely, D. W., Patton, B., Shamsaei, N., & Thompson, S.M. (2015). Mechanical and Microstructural Properties of LENS-Produced AISI 316L Stainless Steel.
56th AIAA/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference. Kissimmee, FL: AIAA.
Wang, L., Felicelli, S. D., Lett, R., Coleman, J., Johnson, E., Tamminger, K., & Waid, M. (2012). Microstructure and Mechanical Properties Comparison of Electron Beam and Laser Engineered Net Shaping Deposits of AISI 316L Stainless Steel.
Proceedings of 2012 Materials Science & Technology Conference & Exhibition. Pittsburgh, PA.
Seely, D. W.,
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Proceedings of Material Science & Technology 2018. Columbus, OH. [
Simsiriwong, J., & Shamsaei, N. (2016). Ongoing Challenges in Additive Manufacturing of Fatigue Resistant Materials.
Workshop on Mechanical Behavior of Additive Manufactured Components, sponsored by Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics (E08) ASTM Committee and the National Institute of Standards and Technology. San Antonio, TX.
Thompson, S.M., Ibrahim, O. T., Monroe, J. G., Shamsaei, N.,
Bian, L., & Elwany, A. (2015). Additively-Manufactured Ti-6Al-4V Oscillating Heat Pipe with Multiple Channel Layers.
ASME International Technical Conference and Exhibition on Packaging and Integration of Electronic and Photonic Microsystems (InterPACK). San Francisco, CA: ASME.
Aboutaleb, A.,
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2015 ISERC Conference and Expo. Nashville, TN.
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2015 ISERC Conference and Expo. Nashville, TN.
Young, W. J., Marshall, G. J., Thompson, S.M., & Shamsaei, N. (2015). A Sequential Minimum Energy Design Approach for Optimizing Process Parameters in Additive Manufacturing.
TMS 2015 144th Annual Meeting & Exhibition. Orlando, FL: TMS.
Masoomi, M., Thompson, S.M., & Shamsaei, N. (2014). Numerical Modeling of Heat Effects During Selective Laser Melting.
10th Mississippi State Conference on Differential Equations & Computational Simulations. Mississippi State, MS.
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